Interview with author, Jenna Hartley

MS: Hi Jenna! Thank you so much for sitting down with me and doing this interview for my readers.  I have read your book, Perspective so I consider myself a fan.  I loved that book for a lot of reasons (Mr. Sloan happens to be an artist) so I’m thrilled you agreed to chat with me. I have a few questions I’m going to ask to let people get to know you better.  How does that sound?

JH: That sounds great, Molly.  Thank you for having me.  I’m excited to share a little about myself with your readers.

MS: How long does it take you to write a book? *

JH: Oh boy–that depends. Unexpected came together really quickly. Preston and Alexis sort of sprang to life–Sophia too. And that book was written in record time. That said, there’s a lot more involved than just writing the book. Between beta readers and my editor, it takes at least a month after I’ve finished my draft to finalize it.

MS:  What is your work schedule like when you’re writing?  

JH: Generally, I wake up around 6 am and catch up on emails and social media. Then my daughter gets up around 7 am, and I make breakfast/spend time with her until about 9 am. From then until lunch, I’m writing, as well as during nap time. Though some days are spent editing, working on administrative tasks, or checking in on social media.

I find my favorite time to write (and this surprised me) is after everyone has gone to bed. I don’t consider myself a night owl, but when the house is quiet, my imagination comes to life.

MS: Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

JH: Everywhere. Unexpected is the story of a single mom and a male nanny, and it was inspired by Charlie Puth’s song, Boy. I even dedicated the book to him! Song lyrics and music inspire me, TV, people in real life. There’s inspiration everywhere you look!

MS: What does your family think of your writing?

JH: My family is super supportive of my writing, and I couldn’t do it without them! My husband has always been very supportive, and he often helps me brainstorm when I’m stuck. My parents are incredibly supportive–reading my books and watching my daughter give me time to write. My in-laws and extended family have been a great help as well. I couldn’t do it without the love and support of my family.

MS: What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your Books?

JH: That I don’t necessarily write the story in order. I figured I’d just start writing, and then write each chapter in order. But that isn’t always (or even often) the case. Sometimes scenes come to me, and I don’t know exactly where they fit yet, but they have to be written. Writing for me is like solving a puzzle. One where I don’t necessarily see all the pieces until they come together.

MS: Jenna, THank you so much for coming by and sharing about this new book and telling us a little bit about your process.  If some of mu readers are interested.  How can they get to know you?  Great!  How can people find out more about you!  

JH: Thanks to Molly, for this amazing opportunity! I love getting to know my
readers! Come hang out with me in my reader group or find me at any of the places below.

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